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Register Now for CBP Connects Charlotte (June 9-11, 2025)

Empowering Your Staff: Implementing Software for Employee Training

As the seasons change and winter is hurtling towards us, There is no better time than now for brewery owners and taproom managers to start thinking about ways to get to the next level for 2024 and beyond. With the new year just around the corner, its a great time to start implementing different strategies to improve the business for the upcoming year.

As we all know, if you’re not growing, you’re falling behind. One key strategy that is so important, but gets constantly put on the back burner is employee training and on-boarding. This area covers a range of topics such as general policies and procedures, dress codes for front of house staff, and even health + safety requirements to prevent workplace injuries and protect the business in the event of one.

In this session, you will learn how to improve your employee training with easy wins, health and safety compliance considerations, and focusing on your staff can maximize the customer experience.

BarSight strives to provide solutions to save money and time for restaurants, breweries, and others in the hospitality industry. Their software includes employee management, generating cost schedules, employee on-boarding development, manager log book forms, and more.