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Your 2022 CBP Wrapped

Here are the top 10 most popular CBP posts of 2022


[Anonymous Post]

I have been working as a sales rep for a still relatively small brewery. Last year we did a little over $270,000 in sales through our distributors. Being the person that handles the orders and oversees the entire distribution process including running the events, communications with stores, bars, and the distributors I feel like I am getting screwed over with my compensation being paid as cellar-men (we all know how that looks). I was hoping to get some insight on what other people in my position are experiencing.

Posting for a member who wishes to remain anonymous (feel free to always reach out to me if you’d like the same).

Read the full post here.



This off color streaking is persistent even after re passivating. Used 10% citric for 20 minutes through spray ball then 5 through racking arm and blow off. Left to dry over night and rinsed with hot water this morning. Cleaned with caustic first and rinsed before the citric.

What am I doing wrong or how do I fix this?

Read the full post here.



How’s June sales looking for everyone? We can’t be the only ones to get our asses kicked with 15% decrease from last year….We were crushing sales records until bout mid May…Then it was like smashing into a brick wall.

Read the full post here.



““I am happy to work at my brewery,” this is what we found:

70% of owners strongly agree, 65% in front of house strongly agree, 60% in business roles strongly agree; however, only 26% in brewing operations strongly agree. This is a 34% drop from the closest role.

Why is this the case? Long hours, exhausting physical labor.

Another possible explanation rests in education level. According to our sample, brewing operations staff were almost just as likely as business staff and front of house to hold a bachelor’s degree. After all, someone needed to be paying attention in chemistry class. With potential pay disparities, it may not come as a surprise brewing operations folks would be frustrated with less return on investment considering STEM professionals are often topping lists of most highly paid professions.”

Read the full post here.



This should happen more often.

One of the farmers who picks up our spent grain raises pigs. Yesterday he brought us about 40 lbs of boneless chops, sausage and bacon.

He gets about 10% of the grain.

The guy who gets 90% raises cows. We haven’t seen anything from him.

Read the full post here.



Resume of my first Brewmaster boss, Charles Barberio, at Dixie Brewing. It’s amazing the things you find when you go through old papers.

Read the full post here.



Dear Colleagues,

Sad news: Im going to close my brewery in about one month. Expenses are top high and craft market is not doing very well.

Good news: I will be hired by an excellent local brewery as brewer assistant. I need two thing: to improve my cleaning / cip skill ( need book or manual) and new anti fog safety glasses. I bought one pair from amazon but even if they said they were antifog after 5 minutes they become useless…

Have nice day you all!

Read the full post here.



What trends are you currently seeing in your taproom?

Read the full post here.



YIKES! New price increases from BSG coming in.

.70 per lb on full pallets of base malt.

Read the full post here.



Doing the industry proud.

Read the full post here.