The Do’s and Don’ts of Smart Brewery Buying
Join a conversation about what Smart Buying is, why it’s important, and how you can start implementing it at your brewery this month. It’s not something that happens overnight, but we walk through a few real-world examples of changes breweries have made to start Smart Buying and how it saved them money. We’ll also focus on a few ways you can start to implement your program and train your staff to do the same. Questions are welcome about things you might be facing when it comes to brewery buying.
My name is Dan Klasen and I’m the Founder and President of the Beverage Federation. The Beverage Federation is a Group Purchasing Organization that provides buying services to its craft members. We have a growing membership base of craft brewers looking to find easier ways to operate their brewery without sacrificing quality.
Starting the Federation in 2022 has combined my passion for meeting new small business owners, negotiation, and cost-saving programs. I enjoy finding scaled-down solutions that can help not just one of our brewery members but can be applied to our network of members.