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Register Now for CBP Connects Charlotte (June 9-11, 2025)

CBP at CBC Preview Panel (Part 2)

We can’t wait to share beers and see you in-person in Nashville. We kickoff CBC Week with our Welcome Party on May 7 at Jackalope Brewing Company.


In this conversation, we will be joined by several of our event partners to discuss current industry challenges, strategies for success, general observations, and the importance of in-person events.

This conversation features:

Bryant Vander Weerd (Full Pour Media)

Lisa Noyes (Jackalope Brewing Company)

Loren Bendele (Arryved POS)

Pulkit K. Agrawal (Beer30 by The 5th Ingredient)

Join us in-person for CBP Connects | Half workshop, half networking
Milwaukee, WI | June 19-21, 2023
Grab your spot now at