CBP at CBC Preview Panel (Part 2)
We can’t wait to share beers and see you in-person in Nashville. We kickoff CBC Week with our Welcome Party on May 7 at Jackalope Brewing Company.
RSVP: https://craftbeerprofessionals.org/nashville-rsvp/
In this conversation, we will be joined by several of our event partners to discuss current industry challenges, strategies for success, general observations, and the importance of in-person events.
This conversation features:
Bryant Vander Weerd (Full Pour Media)
Lisa Noyes (Jackalope Brewing Company)
Loren Bendele (Arryved POS)
Pulkit K. Agrawal (Beer30 by The 5th Ingredient)
Join us in-person for CBP Connects | Half workshop, half networking
Milwaukee, WI | June 19-21, 2023
Grab your spot now at https://www.eventbrite.com/e/cbp-connects-milwaukee-presented-by-arryved-pos-june-19-21-2023-tickets-420534529097